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$ pip install petisco[rabbitmq]
---> 100%
Successfully installed petisco

This page is an overview of how petisco helps us on Message Broker development using RabbitMQ as message broker. Currently, petisco provides a RabbitMQ implementation on top of pika framework.

1. Terminology

This glossary joins domain ubiquitous language with the specific implementation using RabbitMQ.

Name Description More Info
Publisher Application (or application instance) that publishes messages (e.g domain events and commands). Also called producer.
Message Broker Intermediary application that translates a message from the formal messaging protocol of the sender (publisher/producer) to the formal messaging protocol of the receiver (subscriber/consumer). -
Exchange "Messages are not published directly to a queue. Instead, the producer sends messages to an exchange. Exchanges are message routing agents, defined by the virtual host within RabbitMQ. An exchange is responsible for routing the messages to different queues with the help of header attributes, bindings, and routing keys."
Queue "A queue is a sequential data structure with two primary operations: an item can be enqueued (added) at the tail and dequeued (consumed) from the head. Queues play a prominent role in the messaging technology space: many messaging protocols and tools assume that publishers and consumers communicate using a queue-like storage mechanism."
Subscriber Application (or application instance) that consumes messages (e.g domain events and commands) from a queue and handles a derived action. Also called consumer or handler. -

Find several RabbitMQ tutorials in

    participant Publisher
    participant Exchange
    participant Queue
    participant Subscriber


    Publisher->>Exchange: Message
    Exchange->>Queue: Message
        Note over Exchange,Queue: Based on exchange rules (bindings)
    Subscriber->>Queue: Read Message
    Subscriber-->>Queue: ack
    Note over Queue: Remove message

2. Example

In examples/rabbitmq you can find several scripts to interact with RabbitMQ. To test how petisco can help you on message management you need to run locally a RabbitMQ application.

  1. Run RabbitMQ with docker.
    docker run -d --rm --name petisco-rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
    You can check the RabbitMQ status on http://localhost:15672/#/ (guest:guest). Please, check the official doc here.
  2. Clone the project
    git clone && cd petisco
  3. Create a python environment and install petisco
    > python3 -m venv venv
    > source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) > pip install lume
    (venv) > lume -install
  4. Configure the exchanges and queues. This script will configure common queues and specific queues to support subscriptions (domain event and command consumers/handlers).
    python3 examples/rabbitmq/
  5. Start consuming messages from Queues. This script will execute a continuous process to consume every message on subscribed queues.
    python3 examples/rabbitmq/
  6. Publish domain events.
    python3 examples/rabbitmq/
  7. Dispatch commands.
    python3 examples/rabbitmq/

These examples can help you to start playing with rabbitmq and to understand how it works in petisco. It is strongly recommended to check local rabbitmq at http://localhost:15672/#/ (as mentioned above) to review the activity of queues and exchanges.

RabbitMQ Queue Overview

In addition, there are three useful scripts (,, for play with queue management and some administration tools for removing or renewing exchanges and queue configurations.

If you want to go deeper into how messages are queued in rabbitmq, you can review the concepts of bindings, routing_keys and dead_letters.

RabbitMQ Bindings Overview

3. Configurations

Some configurations are managed by the classes and examples seen above, others can be configured with the following environment variables.

  • RABBITMQ_HEARTBEAT: (default: 60 s)
  • RABBITMQ_USER: (default: guest)
  • RABBITMQ_PASSWORD: (default: guest)
  • RABBITMQ_HOST: (default: localhost)
  • RABBITMQ_HOST: (default: 5672)
  • RABBITMQ_MESSAGE_TTL: (default 1000 ms) If a queue is already created it will generate a precodition failure.

4. CLI Tools


Since version v1.7.0, petisco have available the cli command petisco-rabbitmq to consume domain events and requeue them.

Imagine you have some events in a dead letter queue. To reproduce, you can configure your rabbitmq and publish some events without launching a consumer.

python3 examples/rabbitmq/
python3 examples/rabbitmq/

To requeue event from queues, just use the petisco-rabbitmq

>> petisco-rabbitmq --help                                                                                                                                
usage: petisco-rabbitmq πŸͺ [-h] [-rq] [-cq CONSUMING_QUEUES] [-o ORGANIZATION] [-s SERVICE] [-mr MAX_RETRIES] [-rttl RETRY_TTL] [-wtr WAIT_TO_REQUEUE]

petisco-rabbitmq helps us on rabbitmq iteration

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -rq, --requeue        requeue
                        Name of the organization
  -s SERVICE, --service SERVICE
                        Name of the service
  -cq CONSUMING_QUEUE, --consuming-queue CONSUMING_QUEUE
                        Queue to consume
  -rrk RETRY_ROUTING_KEY, --retry-routing-key RETRY_ROUTING_KEY
                        Routing key to republish the message to specific retry queue
  -ren RETRY_EXCHANGE_NAME, --retry-exchange-name RETRY_EXCHANGE_NAME
                        Exchange name to republish the message to specific exchange
  -mr MAX_RETRIES, --max-retries MAX_RETRIES
                        Max Retries
  -rttl RETRY_TTL, --retry-ttl RETRY_TTL
                        Retry TTL
  -wtr WAIT_TO_REQUEUE, --wait-to-requeue WAIT_TO_REQUEUE
                        Wait to Requeue (seconds)


  • Example 1 (requeue events from dead_letter.acme.registration.1.event.user_confirmed.send_sms_on_user_confirmed):
    petisco-rabbitmq --requeue \
        --organization acme \
        --service registration \
        --consuming-queue dead_letter.acme.registration.1.event.user_confirmed.send_sms_on_user_confirmed \
        --retry-routing-key retry.acme.registration.1.event.user_confirmed.send_sms_on_user_confirmed
  • Example 2 (requeue events from dead_letter.acme.registration.1.event.user_created.send_mail_on_user_created):
    petisco-rabbitmq --requeue \
        --organization acme \
        --service registration \
        --consuming-queue dead_letter.acme.registration.1.event.user_created.send_mail_on_user_created \
        --retry-routing-key retry.acme.registration.1.event.user_created.send_mail_on_user_created
  • Example 3 (requeue events from
    petisco-rabbitmq --requeue \
        --organization acme \
        --service registration \
        --consuming-queue \
        --retry-routing-key \

5. Code


Base code is available in petisco/domain/message and specific implementation in petisco/extra/rabbitmq.

Some definition of domain base classes:

Name Description
Message Define a basic Message using a base metaclass (MetaMessage)
DomainEvent Defines a Domain Event inheriting from Message. You can define new attributes to add to the resultant encoded message.
Command Defines a Command inheriting from Message. You can define new attributes to add to the resultant encoded message.
MessageBus Interface which defines the contract of a message bus to publish messages
DomainEventBus Interface which defines the contract of domain event bus to publish DomainEvent. It inherits from MessageBus
CommandBus Interface which defines the contract of command bus to dispatch Command. It inherits from MessageBus
MessageSubscriber Interface which defines the contract of a subscriber using a base metaclass (MetaMessageSubscriber)
DomainEventSubscriber Interface which defines the contract of DomainEvent hanlders. It inherits from MessageSubscriber
CommandSubscriber Interface which defines the contract of Command hanlders. It inherits from MessageSubscriber
AllMessageSubscriber Interface which defines the contract of every message (e.g DomainEvent and Command) hanlders. It inherits from MessageSubscriber
MessageConfigurer Interface which defines the contract of message configurer
MessageConsumer Interface which defines the contract of message consumers

Some RabbitMQ implementations:

Name Description
RabbitMqConnector Singleton class to define RabbitMQ connector and set its configurations.
RabbitMqDomainEventBus RabbitMQ implementation of DomainEventBus to publish DomainEvents.
RabbitMqCommandBus RabbitMQ implementation of CommandBus to dispatch Commands.
RabbitMqMessageConfigurer RabbitMQ implementation of MessageConfigurer, which configures exchanges, queue bindings and routing keys from defined MessageSubscribers
RabbitMqMessageConsumer RabbitMQ implementation of MessageConsumer to add subscribers, and start a thread to consume message from defined subscribers
        class RabbitMqConnector
        RabbitMqConnector: +close()
        RabbitMqConnector: +get_connection()
        RabbitMqConnector: +get_channel()

        class MessageConfigurer
        MessageConfigurer: +configure_subscribers()
        MessageConfigurer: +clear()

        class MessageConsumer
        MessageConsumer: +add_subscribers()
        MessageConsumer: +add_subscriber_on_dead_letter()
        MessageConsumer: +add_subscriber_on_queue()
        MessageConsumer: +unsubscribe_subscriber_on_queue()
        MessageConsumer: +resume_subscriber_on_queue()
        MessageConsumer: +start()
        MessageConsumer: +stop()

        class MessageSubscriber
        MessageSubscriber: +subscribed_to()
        MessageSubscriber: +handle()
        MessageSubscriber: +set_domain_event_bus()
        MessageSubscriber: +set_command_bus()
        MessageSubscriber: -get_subscriber_name()
        MessageSubscriber: -get_message_subscribers_info()

    class Message
    Message : +Uuid message_id
    Message : +str name
    Message : +int version
    Message : +datatime oscurred_on
    Message : +dict attributes (ready to compose) 
    Message : +dict meta (ready to add info id, e.g correlation_id, client_id)
    Message: +str type

    class MessageBus
    MessageBus : +publish()

        class DomainEventBus
    DomainEventBus : +publish()

        class CommandBus
    CommandBus : +dispatch()

    DomainEvent --|> Message 
    Command --|> Message 

    DomainEventBus --|> MessageBus 
    CommandBus --|> MessageBus 

    DomainEventBus --* DomainEvent 
    CommandBus --* Command 
    MessageConsumer --* MessageSubscriber 

    RabbitMqMessageConfigurer --|> MessageConfigurer
    RabbitMqMessageConsumer --|> MessageConsumer
    RabbitMqDomainEventBus --|> DomainEventBus 
    RabbitMqCommandBus --|> CommandBus

    RabbitMqMessageConfigurer --* RabbitMqConnector 
    RabbitMqMessageConsumer --* RabbitMqConnector 
    RabbitMqDomainEventBus --* RabbitMqConnector 
    RabbitMqCommandBus --* RabbitMqConnector 

RabbitMQ in your Application

To add RabbitMQ to your application, you need to define your message dependencies and configure them to start consuming messages:

from petisco.extra.rabbitmq import get_rabbitmq_message_dependencies

SERVICE = "my-app"

# Define RabbitMQ dependencies 
def dependencies_provider() -> list[Dependency]:
    message_dependencies = get_rabbitmq_message_dependencies(ORGANIZATION, SERVICE)
    dependencies += message_dependencies
    return dependencies

from petisco.extra.rabbitmq import RabbitMqConfigurer, DomainEventSubscriber

# Define RabbitMQ configurers  
class SendSmsOnUserCreated(DomainEventSubscriber):
    def subscribed_to(self) -> list[type[DomainEvent]]:
        return [UserCreated]

    def handle(self, domain_event: UserCreated) -> BoolResult:
       ## do your stuff
       return isSuccess

configurers = [

application = Application(
    dependencies_provider=dependencies_provider,  # <==== Adding dependencies βž•
    configurers=configurers # <==== Adding configurers βž•

This code will start consuming message and calling your defined subscribers for your defined SERVICE (name of your application). If you want to subscribe to messages from, for example, other service you can do it quite similar using alias:

from petisco.extra.rabbitmq import get_rabbitmq_message_dependencies

SERVICE = "my-app"
OTHER_SERVICE = "my-other-app"

# Define RabbitMQ dependencies 
def dependencies_provider() -> list[Dependency]:
    message_dependencies = get_rabbitmq_message_dependencies(ORGANIZATION, SERVICE)
    dependencies += message_dependencies
    other_message_dependencies = get_rabbitmq_message_dependencies(
    dependencies += other_message_dependencies
    return dependencies

from petisco.extra.rabbitmq import RabbitMqConfigurer, DomainEventSubscriber

# Define RabbitMQ configurers  
class SendSmsOnUserCreated(DomainEventSubscriber):
    def subscribed_to(self) -> list[type[DomainEvent]]:
        return [UserCreated]

    def handle(self, domain_event: UserCreated) -> BoolResult:
       ## do your stuff
       return isSuccess

configurers = [

application = Application(
    dependencies_provider=dependencies_provider,  # <==== Adding dependencies βž•
    configurers=configurers # <==== Adding configurers βž•

With this configuration the application will handle UserCreated message from the main service (SERVICE=my-app) and also from the other service (SERVICE=my-other-app) using the following configurer queues:

  • alice.my_app.1.user_created.send_sms_on_user_created: SendSmsOnUserCreated will handle domain event published by the my_app service.
  • alice.my_other_app.1.user_created.send_sms_on_user_created: SendSmsOnUserCreated will handle domain event published by the my_other_ΒΊrrapp service.


Imagine your are consuming from a ORGANIZATION="acme" and SERVICE="my-app and you want to publish a derived domain event in your subscriber. You can do it with the inner domain_event_bus (this pre-loaded domain event bus is already configured and shares connection to avoid thread errors)

class UserSmailed(DomainEvent): ...

class SendSmsOnUserCreated(DomainEventSubscriber):
    def subscribed_to(self) -> list[type[DomainEvent]]:
        return [UserCreated]

    def handle(self, domain_event: UserCreated) -> BoolResult:
       return isSuccess

And maybe you don't want to publish to the same exchange (from {ORGANIZATION}.{SERVICE}) and you want to publish to So you can configure this inner bus using RabbitMqConfigurer parameters:

INNER_BUS_SERVICE = "my-other-service"

configurers = [

application = Application(
    dependencies_provider=dependencies_provider,  # <==== Adding dependencies βž•
    configurers=configurers # <==== Adding configurers βž•


Best way to learn how to use petisco to manage messages is with the examples defined above and reviewing the petisco test suite (check these folders: messages and + rabbitmq)

You can run this tests using:

lume -test-with-rabbitmq-mysql-and-elastic


Tests checks rabbitmq availability. If a local rabbitmq is not available, some tests will be skipped.

Code explained

  • Create a domain event. Define a DomainEvent in petisco is as easy as:
    from petisco import DomainEvent, Uuid
    class UserCreated(DomainEvent):
        user_id: Uuid
    domain_event = UserCreated(user_id=Uuid.v4())
  • Configure RabbitMQ. Now, you can configure a subscriber, for example, we can use the send_mail_handler subscriber from the example below.

      from petisco import DomainEvent, MessageSubscriber
      from petisco.extra.rabbitmq import RabbitMqConnector, RabbitMqMessageConfigurer
      from meiga import Result, Error, isSuccess, isFailure
      def send_mail_handler(domain_event: DomainEvent) -> Result[bool, Error]:
        # Do your stuff here
        return isSuccess # if fails, returns isFailure
      # Define Subscribers
      domain_event = UserCreated(user_id=Uuid.v4())
      subscribers = [MessageSubscriber.from_message(domain_event, [send_mail_handler])]  
      # Configure RabbitMQ Infrastructure with defined subscribers
      connector = RabbitMqConnector()
      organization = "acme"
      service = "registration"
      configurer = RabbitMqMessageConfigurer(connector, organization, service)
  • Start Consuming DomainEvents from RabbitMQ.
    from petisco import MessageSubscriber, DomainEvent
    from petisco.extra.rabbitmq import RabbitMqConnector, RabbitMqMessageConsumer
    from meiga import Result, Error, isSuccess, isFailure
    def send_mail_handler(event: DomainEvent) -> Result[bool, Error]:
      # Do your stuff here
      return isSuccess # if fails, returns isFailure
    # Define Subscribers
    domain_event = UserCreated(user_id=Uuid.v4())
    subscribers = [MessageSubscriber.from_message(domain_event, [send_mail_handler])]  
    # Define RabbitMQ Consumer and start
    organization = "alice"
    service = "petisco"
    max_retries = 5
    connector = RabbitMqConnector()
    consumer = RabbitMqMessageConsumer(connector, organization, service, max_retries)
  • Publish DomainEvents with the DomainEventBus
    from petisco.extra.rabbitmq import RabbitMqConnector, RabbitMqDomainEventBus
    connector = RabbitMqConnector()
    organization = "alice"
    service = "petisco"
    bus = RabbitMqDomainEventBus(connector, organization, service)
    domain_event = UserCreated(user_id=Uuid.v4())

6. Advanced

Happy path of a message broker is shown in the following diagram. Let's imagine a new service (registration) which produces domain events and some actions are derived from them (managed by subscribers).

    participant Publisher
    participant Exchange
    participant Queue
    participant Subscriber
    Note over Publisher, Subscriber: Registration Example


  Publisher->>Exchange: UserCreated
  Exchange->>Queue: UserCreated
    Subscriber->>Queue: Read Message
    Subscriber->>Subscriber: Send SMS to user
  Subscriber-->>Queue: ack
    Note over Queue: Remove message

However, when something is not correct on the subscriber, petisco/rabbitmq infrastructure performs some actions to retry the execution. This will be the steps: 1. Subscriber read the message from queue (e.g. UserCreated) 2. Subscriber perform derived fails (e.g. send sms message when user is created) 3. As this derived action fails, subscriber returns a nack to the queue. 4. Now, the message is requeued to the retry queue. * This waits a specific time (ttl) and message will be requeued n times (also configurable). 5. If derived action is not a success, message will be requeue to a dead letter queue.

    participant Publisher
    participant Exchange
    participant Queue
    participant Subscriber


    Publisher->>Exchange: Message
    Exchange->>Queue: Message
        Note over Exchange,Queue: Based on exchange rules (bindings)
    Subscriber->>Queue: Read Message

        loop N TIMES
                Subscriber->>Subscriber: Performs derived action
        Subscriber-->>Retry Queue: nack
                Note over Retry Queue: Message move to retry queue
        Retry Queue-->>Retry Queue: Message
                Note over Retry Queue: Wait Retry TTL
        Retry Queue-->>Queue: Message
                Note over Queue: Try again

        Subscriber-->>Dead Letter Queue: Message
        Note over Dead Letter Queue: Message move to dead letter queue

Queue Naming

The queues naming uses the following convention:



  • organization is used for represent your company/team/project
  • service is used for represent your service/application
  • version is used for represent the version of the source event/command
  • type is used for represent the type of source that triggers the process (event|command)
  • event_name is used to represent the name of the event in snake case (UserCreate -> user.created)
  • action_handler is used to represent the name of the callback which will trigger the event (e.g send_mail_handler)

How petisco takes advantage of RabbitMQ

Continuing with the registration example: imagine we are developing this system for an organization called acme).

We want to publish a domain event when the user create an account (UserCreated). The registration service will react to this event storing the date (metrics are important) and performing some derived action (e.g send_mail_handler). This event will be consumed by subscribers (derived actions that are executed from associated events).

In our example, we are going to use two subscribers:

  • event_store: general subscriber. It can be useful for saving all domain events.
  • send_mail_handler: It will send a mail on UserCreated event.

The following figure represents this use case:

Event Bus Example

What is happening here?

  1. The DomainEventBus publishes the UserCreated domain event.
    • The routing key of this event is acme.registration.1.event.user.created
  2. The exchange acme.registration (.) redirect the message using the binding keys (green)
  3. The store queue receives the event perfectly :metal:
  4. The acme.registration.1.event.user.created.send_mail_handler queue gets the UserCreated event.
  5. The send_mail_handler consumer obtains the event perform the action:
    • If it is success: perfect, everything works nice and the queue will get an ack :thumbsup:
    • Otherwise, if it is a failure: something is not working as expected or maybe we are suffering from overload. :fire: * We need to recover from error, let's ack to acme.registration.1.event.user.created.send_mail_handler and requeue the info to the retry exchange (retry.acme.registration). * We select a number of maximun retries, as well as the time between retries (x-message-ttl on retry.acme.registration.1.event.user.created.send_mail_handlerqueue)
  6. When the TTL expires on the retry queue, the message will be requeues automatically with the following parameters:
    • x-dead-letter-exchange: acme.registration
    • x-dead-letter-routing-key: acme.registration.1.event.user.created.send_mail_handler
  7. Then, the process will return to 2, however in this case, only will be requed to acme.registration.1.event.user.created.send_mail_handler thanks to the additional binding key retry.acme.registration.1.event.user.created.send_mail_handler.

Message Chaos


Chaos engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a system in order to build confidence in the system's capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production. Wikipedia

Petisco allows you to force errors from the configuration of certain parameters by setting environment variables.

Message Bus

You can force fails in message publication in (for example in RabbitMqDomainEventBus and RabbitMqCommandBus).

Environment Variable Description Default
PETISCO_CHAOS_PERCENTAGE_INVALID_MESSAGE_PUBLICATION Percentage of invalid message publication. Where 1.0 means rejecting all the publishing messages. 0.0


You can configure PETISCO_CHAOS_PERCENTAGE_INVALID_MESSAGE_PUBLICATION=0.1 to force failures in the 10% of the message publication. This is a convinient way of testing if fallback strategy works as expected.

Message Consumer


To be deprecated to use better naming in 2.0.0. Migration work has already stated with ChaosConfig class implementation.

You can add a MessageChaos object as collaborator on a RabbitMqConsumer. As example, petisco provides the RabbitMqEventChaos implementation, where configurable parameters are the following:

  • percentage_simulate_nack: Percentage of simulate nack [0.0 -> 1.0]. Where 1.0 rejects all the event. - Configurable with EVENT_CHAOS_PERCENTAGE_SIMULATE_NACK envvar.
  • delay_before_even_handler_second: Delay event handler execution for a given number of seconds. - Configurable with EVENT_CHAOS_DELAY_BEFORE_EVENT_HANDLER_SECONDS envvar.
  • percentage_simulate_failures: Percentage of simulate failures [0.0 -> 1.0]. Where 1.0 simulate always a failure on handlers. - Configurable with EVENT_CHAOS_PERCENTAGE_SIMULATE_FAILURES envvar.
  • protected_routing_keys: Routing keys where chaos will not be applied
    - Configurable with EVENT_CHAOS_PROTECTED_ROUTING_KEYS envvar (e.g ",dl-legacy").