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petisco 🍪 is a framework which helps you to model you domain.

flowchart TD

        subgraph Domain

        subgraph Entities
        aggregateroot([Aggregate Root])
        valueobject([Value Object])
        aggregateroot -.-> valueobject
        uuid --> valueobject

        domainerror([Domain Error])   

        subgraph Message
        domainevent([Domain Event])
        domainevent --> basemessage
        command --> basemessage


        style Domain fill:#D6EAF8

Continuing with the Task Manager example (see Getting Started), let's see some examples of domain entities and models that can help you.



Use Uuid to generate new identifiers.

from petisco import Uuid
uuid = Uuid.v4()

Additionally, you can extend it:

from petisco import Uuid

class TaskId(Uuid): ...

task_id = TaskId.v4()


Use this class to interoperate with uuid.UUID and pydantid.UUID4. Those are very useful to document OpenAPI documentation.

from uuid import uuid4

from pydantic import BaseModel, UUID4, Field

from petisco import AggregateRoot, Uuid

class TaskIn(BaseModel):
    id: UUID4 = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
    name: str

class Task(AggregateRoot):
    name: str

    def from_task_in(task_in: TaskIn) -> "Task":
        return Task(

Value Objects

Create your Value Objects extending from ValueObject base class.

from pydantic import field_validator
from meiga import Failure
from petisco import ValueObject, DomainError

class EmptyValueObjectError(DomainError): ...
class ExceedLengthLimitValueObjectError(DomainError): ...

def ensure_not_empty_value(value, classname: str = None):
    if value is None:
        raise Failure(EmptyValueObjectError(classname))

def ensure_value_is_less_than_200_char(value):
    if len(value) > 200:
        raise ExceedLengthLimitValueObjectError(value)

class Description(ValueObject):

    def validate_value(cls, value):
        ensure_not_empty_value(value, cls.__name__)
        return value.title()


Sometimes we want to keep only the wrapped value when serializing. In other words, we don't want to keep {"value": "my-value"}. To do this, you can use Annotated write with:

from typing import Annotated
from pydantic import BaseModel
from petisco import ValueObjectSerializer

class MyModel(BaseModel):
  model_id: Annotated[Uuid, ValueObjectSerializer] # (1)
  1. ValueObjectSerializer is equivalent to PlainSerializer(lambda value_object: value_object.value if value_object else None)

Otherwise, you can also use field_serializer to solve this with:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from petisco import Uuid, ValueObject

class MyModel(BaseModel):
  model_id: Uuid

  _model_id = ValueObject.serializer("model_id")  # (1)
  1. This is equivalent to _model_id = field_serializer("model_id")(lamdba value_object: value_object.value)

Aggregate Root


As Evans define:

"An AGGREGATE is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes. Each AGGREGATE has a root and a boundary. The boundary defines what is inside the AGGREGATE. The root is a single, specific ENTITY contained in the AGGREGATE."


"The root is the only member of the AGGREGATE that outside objects are allowed to hold references to[.]"

To define your data model, just extend from AggregateRoot to obtain useful features.

from petisco import AggregateRoot
from datetime import datetime

from my_app import Description, TaskCreated, TaskId, Title

class Task(AggregateRoot):
    title: Title  # <== ValueObject
    description: Description # <== ValueObject
    created_at: datetime

    def create(task_id: TaskId, title: Title, description: Description):
        task = Task(aggregate_id=task_id, title=title, description=description, created_at=datetime.utcnow())
        return task

Define a name constructor as the static method create to simplify the construction and the record of the domain events related with the Task AggregateRoot.

Then, you can get all the event with pull_domain_events.

task = Task.create(
    description="Learning petisco is nice!"
domain_events = task.pull_domain_events() # This will return a list of DomainEvents ([TaskCreated(task_id=task_id)])


flowchart TD
        domainevent([Domain Event])
        domainevent --> basemessage
        command --> basemessage

Domain Event

Use DomainEvent to model the actions of our domain that are of interest to our business logic.

from petisco import DomainEvent, Uuid

class TaskId(Uuid): ...

class TaskCreated(DomainEvent):
    task_id: TaskId

class TaskRemoved(DomainEvent):
    task_id: TaskId

class TaskRetrieved(DomainEvent):
    task_id: TaskId

DomainEvent inherits from Message that have available dict and json method to encode the info.

my_domain_event = TaskCreated(task_id=TaskId.v4())


The result should be something like the following:

    "data": {
        "id": "3a4d78aa-6870-41cb-aa14-964831511d86",
        "type": "task.created",
        "type_message": "domain_event",
        "version": 1,
        "occurred_on": "2021-12-28 14:11:47.845618",
        "attributes": {"task_id": "a7f8b62a-c9e5-4f3c-a451-47cd1965958f"},
        "meta": {},

attributes is a representation of the class:

class TaskCreated(DomainEvent):
    task_id: TaskId

You can also add metadata to your domain event payload

domain_event =  TaskCreated(task_id=TaskId.v4()).add_meta({"correlation_id": "d8ed76aa-2fce-48f2-9470-ec5048783fe1"})

The result is:

    "data": {
        "id": "3a4d78aa-6870-41cb-aa14-964831511d86",
        "type": "task.created",
        "type_message": "domain_event",
        "version": 1,
        "occurred_on": "2021-12-28 14:11:47.845618",
        "attributes": {"task_id": "a7f8b62a-c9e5-4f3c-a451-47cd1965958f"},
        "meta": {"correlation_id": "d8ed76aa-2fce-48f2-9470-ec5048783fe1"} # <== Added meta info


If you want to modify the version of the Message, use the inner class Config:

class TaskCreated(DomainEvent):
    task_id: TaskId

    class Config:
        version = 2

Default value of message version is 1.


🚫DO NOT overwrite the constructor of the Message 🚫. This could cause errors on the serialization of the message. If you want to do an acction before the construction, use a named constructor as follows:

class TaskCreated(DomainEvent):
    complete_name: str
    first_name: str | None = None

    def create(complete_name: str) -> "TaskCreated":
        return TaskCreated(
            first_name=complete_name.split(" ")[0]


If you use CQRS you can use also the Command class. Extend from it when you want to model an imperative action to be done.

from petisco import Command, Uuid

class TaskId(Uuid): ...

class UpdateTask(Command):
    task_id: TaskId

my_command = UpdateTask(task_id=TaskId.v4())


The result:

    "data": {
        "id": "1f35e414-0636-4983-987e-13d522749709",
        "type": "update.task",
        "type_message": "command",
        "version": 1,
        "occurred_on": "2021-12-28 14:19:09.149651",
        "attributes": {"task_id": "db0970be-f6b6-478b-976a-f83e85112b90"},
        "meta": {},


Use DomainEventBus to publish DomainEvents in your Use Cases.

Example of usage into a UseCase
from meiga import BoolResult, isSuccess
from petisco import CrudRepository, DomainEventBus, UseCase

from app.src.task.label.domain.task_labeler import TaskLabeler
from app.src.task.shared.domain.task import Task

class TaskCreator(UseCase):
    def __init__(
        labeler: TaskLabeler,
        repository: CrudRepository,
        domain_event_bus: DomainEventBus,
        self.labeler = labeler
        self.repository = repository
        self.domain_event_bus = domain_event_bus

    def execute(self, task: Task) -> BoolResult:
        task = self.labeler.execute(task).unwrap_or_return()
        domain_events = task.pull_domain_events() # (1)
        self.domain_event_bus.publish(domain_events) # (2)
        return isSuccess
  1. Pull DomainEvents from the Task Aggregate.
  2. Publish retrieved DomainEvents.


Use CommandBus to dispatch Commands in your Use Cases or Controllers.

Other Domain Elements

Domain Error

Model your domain errors extending from DomainError:

from petisco import DomainError

class TaskAlreadyExistError(DomainError): ...
class TaskNotFoundError(DomainError): ...

You can add additional information to DomainError objects using additional_info argument:

domain_error = TaskNotFoundError(additional_info={"error": "detail"})

or also you can add related uuid with

domain_error = TaskNotFoundError(uuid_value=task_id.value, additional_info={"error": "detail"})


petisco provides some default errors such as UnknownError and CriticalError.

Additionally, the framework defines DEFAULT_HTTP_ERROR_MAP with some default errors and its correspondences with HttpErrors.

    DomainError: HttpError(status_code=500),
    NotFound: HttpError(status_code=404),
    AlreadyExists: HttpError(status_code=409),
    AggregateNotFoundError: HttpError(status_code=404),
    AggregatesNotFoundError: HttpError(status_code=404),
    AggregateAlreadyExistError: HttpError(status_code=409),
    ClientNotFound: HttpError(status_code=404),
    ClientAlreadyExists: HttpError(status_code=409),
    UserNotFound: HttpError(status_code=404),
    UserAlreadyExists: HttpError(status_code=409),
    InvalidUuid: HttpError(status_code=422),
    InvalidValueObject: HttpError(status_code=500),


Implement your notifier inheriting from Notifier.

from petisco import Notifier, NotifierMessage, NotifierExceptionMessage

class MyDummyNotifier(Notifier):

    def publish(self, notifier_message: NotifierMessage):
        print(f"Publishing {notifier_message}")

      def publish_exception(self, notifier_exception_message: NotifierExceptionMessage):
            print(f"Publishing exeception {notifier_exception_message}")


Implement your app services inheriting from AppService.

from petisco import AppService

class MyDummyAppService(AppService):

    def execute(self, input_param: str):
        # Add your code here


Implement your repositories inheriting from Repository. This interface do not expose any abstract method, so you can extend it as you want.

from petisco import Repository
from my_app import TaskId

class MyDummyRepository(Repository):

    def retrieve(self, task_id: TaskId):
        task = task_from_task_id(task_id)
        return task
Example with CRUD Repository

Otherwise, if you want to model a repository for a CRUD application, you can inherit from CrudRepository

from typing import Any, Dict, List

from meiga import BoolResult, Error, Failure, Result, Success, isSuccess, early_return

from petisco.base.application.patterns.crud_repository import (
from petisco.base.domain.errors.defaults.already_exists import (
from petisco.base.domain.errors.defaults.not_found import AggregateNotFoundError
from petisco.base.domain.model.uuid import Uuid

class InmemoryCrudRepository(CrudRepository[AggregateRootType]):
    def __init__(self):
        self._data: Dict[Uuid, Any] = dict()

    def save(self, aggregate_root: AggregateRootType) -> BoolResult:
        if aggregate_root.aggregate_id in self._data:
            return Failure(AggregateAlreadyExistError(aggregate_root.aggregate_id))
        self._data[aggregate_root.aggregate_id] = aggregate_root
        return isSuccess

    def retrieve(self, aggregate_id: Uuid) -> Result[AggregateRootType, Error]:
        aggregate_root = self._data.get(aggregate_id)
        if aggregate_root is None:
            return Failure(AggregateNotFoundError(aggregate_id))
        return Success(aggregate_root)

    def update(self, aggregate_root: AggregateRootType) -> BoolResult:
        if aggregate_root.aggregate_id not in self._data:
            return Failure(AggregateNotFoundError(aggregate_root.aggregate_id))
        self._data[aggregate_root.aggregate_id] = aggregate_root
        return isSuccess

    def remove(self, aggregate_id: Uuid) -> BoolResult:
        if aggregate_id not in self._data:
            return Failure(AggregateNotFoundError(aggregate_id))
        return isSuccess

    def retrieve_all(self) -> Result[List[AggregateRootType], Error]:
        return Success(list(self._data.values()))