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The ElasticDatabase is an specific implementation of a Database using the elastic python client. This object encapsulates some specific Elastic stuff and provides it as a scoped session.


When you define a ElasticDatabase you have to specify the connection. Petisco already provides the ElasticConnection object.

from petisco.extra.elastic import ElasticConnection, ElasticDatabase

connection = ElasticConnection.create_local()
database = ElasticDatabase(name="elastic_test", connection=connection)


The ElasticDatabase implements the get_session_scope method to get a context manager with a pre-configured ElasticSearch client.

from petisco.extra.elastic import ElasticConnection, ElasticDatabase

connection = ElasticConnection.create_local()
database = ElasticDatabase(name="elastic_test", connection=connection)

session_scope = database.get_session_scope()
with session_scope() as es:
    document = {
        "title": "Example Document",
        "content": "This is the content of the document.",
    index_name = "my-index"
    response = es.index(index=index_name, document=document)


Petisco also provides an async implementation, the AsyncElasticDatabase. To run it with async/await pattern, you could run the following:

from petisco.extra.elastic import ElasticConnection, AsyncElasticDatabase

connection = ElasticConnection.create_local()
database = AsyncElasticDatabase(name="elastic_test", connection=connection)

session_scope = database.get_session_scope()

async with session_scope() as es:
    document = {
        "title": "Example Document",
        "content": "This is the content of the document.",
    index_name = "my-index"
    response = await es.index(index=index_name, document=document)
    assert response.get("result") == "created"