Petisco has several classes available to help you take advantage of the asyncio library. For example, the AsyncController class provides a way to handle requests asynchronously, while the AsyncUseCase class offers an async interface for implementing your business logic. These classes can be used to write highly performant and efficient code that takes full advantage of the capabilities of the asyncio library.
Inherit from AsyncAppService
and don't forget to add async
prefix before execution method.
from petisco import AsyncAppService
from meiga import BoolResult, isSuccess
class MyAsyncAppService(AsyncAppService):
async def execute(self, my_input: str) -> BoolResult:
return isSuccess
To call this app service, its necessary to await for it and call it from async function-
Inherit from AsyncUseCase
and don't forget to add async
prefix before execution method.
from petisco import AsyncUseCase
from meiga import BoolResult
class MyUseCase(AsyncUseCase):
def __init__(self, app_service: MyAsyncAppService) -> None:
self.app_service = app_service
async def execute(self) -> BoolResult:
return await self.app_service.execute()
from petisco import AsyncController
from meiga import Result, Success, Error
import random
class MyController(AsyncController): # (1)
async def execute(self) -> Result[bool, Error]:
return Success(random.choice([True, False]))
- Inherit from petisco AsyncController class
FastAPI ⚡️¶
Use AsyncFastAPIController
instead of using FastAPIController
from meiga import BoolResult
from petisco import Container, DomainEventBus
from petisco.extra.fastapi import AsyncFastAPIController
from app.src.task.create.application.task_creator import TaskCreator
from app.src.task.shared.domain.task import Task
class CreateTaskController(AsyncFastAPIController):
async def execute(self, task: Task) -> BoolResult:
task_creator = TaskCreator(
return await task_creator.execute(task=task)
Then, we have to instantiate and execute the controller object in the FastAPI routers.
from uuid import UUID
from fastapi import APIRouter
from petisco.extra.fastapi import as_fastapi
from petisco import Uuid
from app.api.models import TaskIn, TaskOut
from app.src.task.create.application.create_task_controller import CreateTaskController
router = APIRouter(tags=["Tasks"])"/task")
async def create_task(task: TaskIn):
result = await CreateTaskController().execute(task.to_task())
return as_fastapi(result)